Formal Grievance Report Form

This form is completed after a formal grievance has been received in writing and a formal statement of the final outcome of the grievance resolution process has been issued to the student/appellant. It is to be completed by the Academic Dean or Principal of a college, the ACT Registrar or ACT Dean. In some cases, grievance resolution may be initiated with a different person or body after the stage reported in the form. It is necessary to attach a PDF copy of the initial written grievance/appeal as well as a PDF copy of the final written response. This is done after all details have been entered into the form. Other formal documentation of the grievance resolution process may also be uploaded with the form. Following submission of the form you will be provided the opportunity to export a PDF copy of the submitted form for the college's records.

Note that the form can be saved as a draft and edited before submitting it to ACT. If the form is completed using the weblink, after saving as a draft you will get a link to re-open the draft. Anyone with the link will be able to open and edit the draft until it is submitted.

Purpose of Form

This form is used to report the management of a formal grievance once the final decision has been made and the student/appellant has been informed of the decision. It may be used for ACT domestic and overseas students or non-enrolled students who have lodged a formal grievance. It is not to be used to report informal grievances or to lodge a grievance with a college or the ACT. The ACT Grievance Resolution Policies are available on the ACT website. Linked below are templates to be used in acknowledging the receipt of a formal grievance and providing notification of the outcome of the grievance resolution process.


Formal Grievance Acknowledgment Template


Formal Grievance Outcome Notice Template (for colleges)


Formal Grievance Outcome Notice Template (for ACT Dean)

Confirm a Formal Grievance Has Been Lodged

Information About the Grievance

If the outcome of the grievance was a change in a student's mark or grade, please ensure the change has been made in PARADIGM. Please notify the ACT Academic Services team to change the results of a published grade.

Note: When using the online form, evidence documents are attached after all required fields of the form have been filled and the 'Submit Form Details' button is pressed.

Information About the Person Who Lodged the Grievance

(first name and last name)

Responses to the Grievance and the Final Outcome

Note: ACT policy does not require that an informal resolution is attempted before a formal grievance is lodged.

Multiple responses allowed


Thank you for completing the form. Please select submit if all information is correctly entered. Please ensure the required evidence documents are attached to the form.

Required evidence documents include: 1) A PDF of the student's/appellant's grievance, 2) A PDF of the written advice on the final decision, and 3) Any other formal documents arising from the resolution of the grievance.

Attach Evidence Documents

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